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What Kind of Weight Loss Boss Are You?

Ever wonder why some people are successful at losing weight, while other seemingly similar people struggle?

Of course, a number of factors conspire to determine any particular person’s success rate. But there is one that exerts very strong positive or negative influences on all the other factors and the overall success of your program.

You might never have thought about this “super factor”, but you have complete control over it.

It’s you.

Or at least it’s your “inner voice”. The one you hear commenting on just about everything you do. In a way, that voice is like a boss, assessing how well or poorly you perform every task.

What’s Your Inner Boss Like?

Imagine a real life boss that spoke to you the way that you speak to you? How long would you stay in that job? How easy would it be to accomplish the herculean task of changing your eating habits and lifestyle under a boss like that?

Good inner bosses are like good real-world bosses; they get better results. They are understanding instead of being hyper-critical; they remove obstacles instead of creating them; they develop situations that help you achieve your highest measure of success instead of setting you up for failure.

How to Be a Better Boss

It may not be simple, but becoming a better boss to yourself is far easier than trying to get results under the old boss

Everyone Makes Mistakes: If you “cheat” on your diet, it doesn’t mean you have failed. Even calling it “cheating” isn’t really fair. You are making huge changes in your life, no one should blame you for being human, not even yourself.

  • Set Yourself Tasks and Goals You Can Achieve: If your real-life boss wouldn’t give you an impossible task, then why would you do so to yourself? If you find yourself stressed by reducing the amount of food you eat, then keep eating the same amount of food, just try to eat healthier food.  If exercise is difficult, just add a little extra activity to your day.
  • Get the Help You Need: Has your place of work ever hired temporary staff when there’s a lot of extra work that the regular staff can’t do? Well guess what, your body’s going through more changes than ever before, and it’s doing more work than ever before to help you get to where you want to be. So you need to give it the extra help it needs. A nutritional counselor will help you and your body get the extra nutritional help it needs to get the job done properly.

What happens when you become a better boss? You get the results you’ve always wanted.

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If you have any questions or concerns, stop by, call, or email your Herbal One centre and our qualified counsellors will be happy to give you tips and some great ideas that will help reach your weight loss goals.

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