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3 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Program Won’t Work

Yes! You’re ready to start losing weight. For real this time.

OK. Now what? 

Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you. Most people either never lose as much weight as they want or, even if they do, they don’t manage to keep it off.

Fortunately, it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. Except that most people are very good at sabotaging their weight loss program – whether they know it or not.

The Secret to Successful Weight Loss

The secret? Give yourself a chance. Stop making it more difficult than anything anyone can bear.

Here are some of the things to look out for and avoid if you want to keep your weight loss program on track.

Focusing Exclusively on the Numbers

Too often, you start a program that says you should lose two pounds a week – or 10 pounds in a month – and when you don’t get those exact results, you bail. Even if you managed to lose one pound in a week, or eight in a month, you’re disappointed, you wonder what went wrong and you generally feel that weight loss is hopeless. 

If you focus instead on the fact that you managed to lose some weight, probably learned a thing or two about how your body reacts to weight loss and picked up a few good eating habits, you’ll avoid the disappointment and start to feel better about yourself.

Thinking That You are Not Unique

Let’s say a famous celebrity goes on a really good, healthy diet and manages to lose 30 pounds – and that’s exactly your weight loss goal. So you research the program and do everything then same as the celeb did. But you don’t get the same results. You feel disappointed and defeated, so you quit.

So are you doomed to living the rest of your life at an undesirable weight?

No. You are unique. It is entirely unreasonable to expect your body to react to a diet in the same way as someone else’s. You need to find what works for you, not what works for Angelina Jolie.

Looking for Excuses to Quit

Maybe the person who said she would lose weight alongside you decided she had enough. Maybe that guy who works across from you got the promotion you were hoping for. Maybe your Mom drives you crazy.

Weight loss is not easy. But when you are tempted to stop by circumstances that are beyond your control and unrelated to your health and weight, then you are looking for excuses instead of actually experiencing a reason to abandon your program.

Learn to spot the difference

and it’s crystal clear – and you’ll greatly increase your chances of success.

What about ways to make your weight loss program a success? The nutrition consultants at your local Herbal One Centre know the challenges you face and what you’re going through. Drop in for a visit – they’re ready to help you.


If you have any questions or concerns, stop by, call, or email your Herbal One centre and our qualified counsellors will be happy to give you tips and some great ideas that will help reach your weight loss goals.

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