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Stopped Losing Weight Even Though You’re Still Trying? Here’s Why

Like everything else in your life, when trying to lose weight there’ll be good days and bad days. Some days will feel like you’ll reach your goal in no time, and other days might feel like you’re going backwards.

Still, your weight keeps heading in the right direction, despite the occasional day-to-day setbacks.

But sometimes, despite your best efforts, your weight loss program stops working and, although you continue to use all the tactics that worked before, your weight plateaus and doesn’t seem to want to move.

Not only does that mean you don’t reach your target weight, but the frustration of working hard to shed pounds and losing none can lead you to abandon your efforts.

But before you do, take a look at some of the reasons why your weight loss might stall and see if any of them apply to your situation.

  • You’re Eating Too Little – It’s an easy mistake to make. It seems obvious that the less you eat, the more weight you will lose. Except, if you eat too little to maintain your body’s basic nutrition, it starts working against you. Your body will automatically slow your metabolism to a point where, even on a calorie-reduced diet, you could still be eating more calories than you burn each day.
  • You’re Eating Too Much – On the other end of the calorie consumption scale, we all like to eat healthier foods. But, similar to eating less, there’s a limit to the benefits of healthy eating. You can easily get more calories than you bargained for, or put your diet out of balance, both of which can counteract your weight loss efforts.
  • You Don’t Put Variety into Your Activities – You can accelerate any weight loss program by adding a bit of exercise. But if you do the same workout every day, you may not continue to get the same benefits as when you began. Change it up, make sure you get some strength training and don’t overdo it.
  • You Don’t Eat Fat – This is another head scratcher. You’re trying to get rid of fat, so why would you eat it? But fat is an essential part of a balanced diet. You should get 25% to 35% of your daily calories from fat. If you don’t, it could delay your weight loss.
  • You Don’t Drink Enough Water – Yes, you’ve heard it all before about how much water you should drink every day. But it can’t be overstated. There’s more water in your body than anything else. If it gets depleted due to a change in your diet or physical activity, that shortfall is felt in every organ, muscle and cell in your body and that can make it more difficult to lose weight.

If you’re looking for more ways to keep your weight loss program on track and make sure you get results from all your efforts, talk the nutrition consultants at your nearby Herbal One Centre. They will help devise a plan just for you and help you use it to achieve and maintain your ideal weight.



If you have any questions or concerns, stop by, call, or email your Herbal One centre and our qualified counsellors will be happy to give you tips and some great ideas that will help reach your weight loss goals.

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